miércoles, 9 de enero de 2013

Talking point: How much can people change?

This week's talking point comes from The New York Times Learning blog, How much can people change? 

Before getting together with the members of your conversation group, read the questions below and think of the answers, so that ideas flow more easily on the day you hold your speaking session.

To gain more insight into the topic you can also read David Brooks' article in The New York Times How people change. You may also discuss the ideas in the article with the members of your conversion group.
  • In what areas do people usually want to change?
  • Are there things about yourself you would like to change?
  • Have you ever tried to change something about yourself -a personality trait, a bad habit or some other aspect of your life? 
  • Did it work? 
  • Have you ever tried to get someone else to change? 
  • What happened? 
  • How much, in general, do you believe people can change? Why?
  • What examples, from your own life or the lives of others, can you offer to support your opinions?
  • What do you think are the best ways to help others change?
  • Is it advisible to resort to professional advice -counsellors or psychologists- when we find it difficult to change bad habits or negative aspects of our behaviour?
  • How do you usually adapt to change that is imposed on you, ie, a new boss, a new working method, new rules?