miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2012

Talking point: How do male and female roles differ in your family?

Who would you say does most of the “parenting” in your house?
Who does most of the housework?
Who helps with the homework?
Who usually attends school functions and meetings?
In what other ways do gender roles play out in your family?
To what extent do the roles in your house seem to fall along traditional gender lines? Why?
If you have children, how do/would you divide the work of running a household and raising children? Why?

These are the questions The New York Times Learning Network posed a few weeks ago for their younger readers to comment on. I thought it would make a nice topic for our intermediate students' weekly discussion.

In preparation for your talking sesssion and to gain more insight into the topic, you can read this article from The New York Times, The Census Bureau counts fathers as 'Child Care.'