jueves, 19 de enero de 2012


Self-study activity:
Watch this video, which might help you to improve your listening ability for numbers, and complete the gaps in the transcript with the missing numbers.

One day consists of (1) ... seconds, each one containing countless options, possibilities and decisions of which only one can emerge. (1) ...  seconds. This is one of them.

One week consists of (2) ...  . One month, (3) ... seconds. One year, (4) ... seconds.

One lifetime (5) ... seconds, each one containing countless options, possibilities and decisions of which only one can emerge, each with the ability to create one life and erase another.

One day consists of (1) ...  seconds. This is one of them.

Now that we have all our seconds right, perhaps we could think about the video more carefully. Try and give an answer to these questions:

What happens in the supermarket?
What does the man decide to do in a single second?
In the house, what is the couple eating?
How does the couple’s relationship change?
What happens at the end of the story?
What is the main idea of the video?

I found this video and activity in ESL Writing.

(1) 86,400 (2) 604,800 (3) 2,629,746 (4) 31,556,926 (5) 2,366,820,000