martes, 25 de enero de 2011

If it were my home

If it were my home is an interactive that compares our standard of living with other parts of the world. You can choose the country in the world you want to compare Spain with.

The parameters the site compares are employment, oil consume, electricity use, chance of dying in infancy, number of babies, money spent on health care, experience of class divide, likelihood of having AIDS, life expectancy, number of hours worked per day, and salary.

The site also gives us some background information about the country we are comparing Spain with, and we can also read users' posts commenting on the question 'Does XXXX seem like a nice place to live?

Self-study activity:
Get together with an English speaking friend or relative and before choosing a country, make predictions about the way Spain compares to that country bearing in mind the parameters above.

Do not forget to use a second conditional to make your hypothesis about what your life would be like if you lived in that country.
Example: If I lived in the UK my life would be shorter than in Spain.

The exercise can also help us revise comparatives and how to say some figures in English.

H/T to Larry Ferlazzo.