viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2010


In this time and age, we all know that Twitter is a very popular micro-blogging service that helps us being connected with the people we wish through very short messages.

The word twitter originally refers to the sounds birds make. That's something you might not know. Similarly, there might be other facts you are unaware of concerning the twittering service.

Self-study activity:
Watch this Common Craft video where some basic facts of Twitter are explained and complete the sentences that follow with information from the clip.

1. Some people want to know about ... that happen in our life.
2. Carla is addicted to ...
3. Carla feels ... about Twitter at first.
4. Signing up for Twitter costs ...
5. Julia in London is reading a new ...
6. The Twitter messages have a limit of ... characters.

You can self-correct the activity by reading the script here.

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